Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Pulleys, Cables, Valves, Plumbing in Mega Projects

While the wheel is considered to be among one of the greatest inventions of mankind, an application based on the very technique of a wheel’s operation, the pulley, too deserves a special mention. A pulley is a wheel that functions on an axle or a shaft to supplement and also steer direction of a cable or belt along its circumference. Basically, pulleys have found extensive utilisation in transmitting power of motion from one source to another, lifting of loads and also to exert forces.

In other words, the concept of pulley has revolutionised the systems in material handing and proper streamlined movements of logistics. Technically speaking, a high performance pulley holds the trump card in every industrial activity. Consequent to tens of thousands of mega and minor projects on infrastructure being undertaken across the country, for the pulley suppliers India has become an eternal fertile ground to reap it rich.

A pulley is a highly precision engineered product in which the base metal or material is of prime importance. Pulleys are fabricated in different sizes as per the needs. They are also classified by various parameters such as Split, Taper Lock, Normal or Flat Belt Pulley, Brush Taper Lock, Timing Belt, Variable Drive, Clutch, Multi Groove, Cone, Rolling Mill, Paper Mill, Chain, etc. It is the live-wire medium of progress on all the socio-economic fronts.

Thus the pulleys are of utmost importance in turnkey projects. In India, there are a couple of such turnkey consultants engaged in providing services and products right from the blue-print stage to the ultimate execution of a project. Be it cement, a steel, a paper, a fertiliser or a chemical plant, a mining, a port or a granary project or a huge mill, these consultants would insist on pulleys of highest quality.

Apart from pulleys, these industrial consultants also pay utmost attention to numerous other products used in all the projects executed by them. For instance, if it is a chemical industry, the consultant would meticulously specify each system like the boilers, coolers, valves, etc. To cite an example, a gate or sluice valve controls the passage of liquid in a system. For extremely thick fluids, a specialty valve known as a knife valve is used to cut through the liquid while regulating its flow. Expert chemical engineers have evolved exclusive specifications for the knife gate valves manufacturers India. The component of metal, safety aspects such as leak-proof and corrosion are among the entities governing the design and production of these valves.

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